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A Bruised Reed He Will Not Break

A Bruised Reed

The Runaway Girl

The judge looked down over his glasses and his look registered kindness and compassion

The waning flicker of my heart surged up a bit with the ignition of hope

"She does not look like the girl you are describing," he said

I stood before him, looking for mercy

I held in my arms my floppy eared stuffed animal

My only friend in a world that had gone mad

Under my long grey dress, two sizes two big that reached down to my ankles

Was a body covered with bruises and welts

Some scraps of blood had dried that no one had attempted to clean

My wounds were starting to swell and ache

However, these wounds were invisible to the judge

Invisible to anyone, it seemed

I looked up at the judge through large glasses that dominated my face

I had been charged with truancy which was a crime

I had run away from a woman wielding a mop

However I was silent about those wounds

I stood silently as a lamb before her shearers

My accuser stood beside me, and upon the judges' words

She released a tirade of accusations

Describing a girl I did not know to the judge

Finishing with the two words that would seal my fate

"Incorrigible and unmanageable"

The judge sighed and signed the form sending me to a place I did not want to go.

A place no one would wish to go.

The flame that was flickering dimly in my heart now became a smoldering wick.

/J.Smith from the book Outside The Gate


I have more questions than answers

I am just the storyteller


The Run Away Prophet

Elijah the prophet knew what it was to run. He too, was running from a woman

"And he was afraid and ran for his life." 1 Kings 19:3

"But he himself went a day's journey into the wilderness, and came and sat down under a juniper tree, and he requested for himself that he might die, and said

"It is enough; now, O Lord, take my life, for I am no better than my fathers."

He lay down and slept under the juniper tree

And behold there was an angel touching him.

"And he said to him, "Arise, eat."


God of Mercy

On that day when I stood before that judge

On one side of me stood an accuser

However in that day I was one of God's kids

And the great accuser had already been cast down

Christ, who sits on the right hand of God

Had already made intercession for me

"Who shall bring a charge against God's elect?

It is Christ who died and sits on the right hand of God

Who makes intercession for us!

Although my life had been placed in danger by ruthless people

That did not see my wounds

The final word would be spoken in my life by God Himself

As the angels attended to Elijah

All throughout my life angels attended to me

Messengers from God who gave me energy and strength to carry on

When I did not know what love was

How to feel it and how to give it

God loved this kingdom kid.


Your love is like radiant diamonds

Bursting inside us we cannot contain

Your love will surely come find us

Like blazing wildfires singing your name

God of mercy, sweet love of mine

I have surrendered to Your design

May this offering stretch across the skies

These Hallelujahs be multiplied.

/Bear and Bo Rinehart



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