" Do you remember whether you had a dream?
Or perhaps one that seemed very real?
Oh yes! Heidi's eyes met his. I dreamed every night I was back with Grandfather and could hear the wind whistling through the fir trees. I know in my dream the stars must be shining brightly outside and I got up quickly and opened the door of the hut - and it was so beautiful. But when I woke up I am always still here in Frankfurt.".....Heidi -Joanna Spyri
Heidi, the little orphan girl of the Swiss Alps sang to me in the night. On long summer nights under the covers of my bed I read about her adventures. When the light of the evening turned dark I fell asleep with the book beside me. In my class at school I would hide her on my lap under the desk until the teacher barked my name and the book fell and I jumped to the tune of my classmate's laughter. I loved to read the books about orphans but Heidi was favourite. Even today when I take the book from my shelf I once again sense the comfort that book held for me. I travel back in time.
Those books were the gateway to the book that changed my life.
In the pages of that book I was introduced to my father.
"I once was an outcast and stranger on earth
A sinner by choice
And an alien by birth
But I've been adopted
My name's written down
An heir to a mansion,
A robe and a crown.
I'm a child of the King
A child of the King
With Jesus my Savior
I'm a child of the King."........Hatte E. Buell
"Whoever receives one such child in my name, receives me
And whoever receives me, receives not me
But Him who sent me."...…..Mark 9:37
Great post. Thanks mom