Image by J.Smith , Burlington Ontario
Two men walked along the road
Their hearts were full of grief and sorrow
And confusion
Was everything just an illusion?
We gathered in the chapel
A small white coffin sat before us
The chapel was silent
Suddenly sobs broke the silence
This, my son was gone from me
I entered the garden of grief
(excerpt from In His Grip)
Jesus wiped away the blinding tears
In the garden of my grief
He opened my eyes so I could see
The glory of the Risen King
He set on fire my heart of stone
He rescued me and made me his own
Now my heart burns within
With the glory of the Risen King
He gave me a burning heart
Seared with love's fiery darts
Holy Spirit light the flame
Risen Lord within me reign
No grief, no sadness can not stay
Your grace, your love washed sin away
Now my heart burns within
With the glory of the Risen King
He set on fire my heart of stone
He rescued me and made me His own
Now my heart burns within
With the glory of the Risen King
They said to each other
"Didn't our hearts burn within us as he talked to us,
as he walked with us on the road and explained
the Scriptures to us?" -John 24:32 NIV