"Because of God's tender mercy, The morning light from heaven is about to break upon us, to give light to us who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death and to guide us to the path of peace."
\ Luke 1:78,79)
Into the world of the setting sun
Came Lord Jesus
The Chosen One
Light from heaven shine upon us
Into our world cold and hushed
Glory born in a manger
Helpless infant, little stranger
In the shadow and darkness of death
Holy Spirit gives us new breath
Tender Mercy soft as snow
Came to our world long ago
When the Christmas lights grow dim
Still, we remember him
Hallelujah! He is our Savior
This wee baby in a manger
He made his life an offering
He is our coming King
Dayspring from heaven has broken
Good news the angels have spoken
In a world cold and hushed
Come Lord Jesus, visit us
Jesus, Jesus, guide our feet
Light the path to our peace
Hallelujah! He is our Savior
This wee baby in a manger
When the Christmas lights are dimmed
We will still remember him
Footprints in the snow
Many years ago
I could not see
I could not know
The glory ahead
The great mystery
God provided a family
My prayer is for the lonely ones
On the streets and imprisoned
May they see the mystery
They are loved
They are forgiven
If Jesus could save a waif like me
From chains of loneliness
Setting me free
He can do the same for them
Into our world
The Savior came
I see footprints in the snow
Following Jesus as I go
Grace has come
I am forgiven
Now I hear the angels singing
"Glory to God in highest heaven
And peace on earth with whom God is pleased."
(Luke 2:14 NLT)