This photo captures the rising sun, signaling a new dawn! It was taken early in the morning at Algonquin Park in Ontario, Canada.
Enjoy my poetry, writings from my new book, and scripture below for New Years 2023, with hope it will shine a bright light of encouragement for the new year ahead.
An excerpt from the book, Outside the Gate by June Smith (2022)
"For me, life began on my sixteenth birthday
That was the day I was released from
The Grandview School for Girls
No money, no job, no family.
Free in Toronto.
I would survive on my wits alone
A New Year for me
I was free!
A poem by June Smith (2022)
Dancing to the music of our salvation
This is the song of celebration
This is the music of the Great Romance
Angelic music creates the dance
Let the trees of the forest dance for joy
Our Redeemer lives for evermore
Glorious symphony the angels sing
Ushering the New Year in
Looking back on the path we have trod
Leaning into the promise of God
Promises given
Promises kept
While the world lay sleeping
He never slept
Times of silence
Times of reflection
Times of joy and celebration
This is a sacred symphony
Overwhelmed with his glory visiting me
Dancing before Jesus my Lord
Glory is coming to the world
Breaking news we proclaim
Jesus Christ is coming again
He is coming to restore the earth
Man of Justice
Man of Truth
In the light of this new dawn
Glory sings redemption's song
Dancing to the music of our salvation
This is the song of celebration
This is the song of the Great Romance
Come and join me in the dance
Glorious Symphony the angels sing
Ushering the New Year in.
Scripture from the book of Revelation:
"Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth
For the old heaven and the old earth had disappeared
And the sea was gone.
And I saw the holy city
The New Jerusalem,
Coming down from God out of heaven
Like a bride beautifully dressed for her husband
I heard a loud shout from the throne, saying
"Look, God's home is now among his people!
God himself will be with them.
He will wipe away every tear from their eyes,
And there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain
All those things are gone forever.
And the one sitting on the throne said,
"Look, I am making everything new!"
Wishing you all the best in the brand new year ahead!
If you enjoy my writings and poetry, you can learn more about my new book about my childhood as an orphan in Canada called Outside the Gate that's now available for purchase at outsidethegate.ca/orderbook.