Picture by Ron Lagerquist -Algonquin Park
The November Song
November rain turns into snow
And blocks the path I must needs go
When the way seems rough and hard
I remember the path that Jesus trod
As I lean into the cold north wind
I sing my praises and worship Him
Singing the song, I keep on
Until the race is finished and the journey is done
Surrounded by the beauty of the falling snow
The trees in the forest give off their glow
Diamonds glistening on the branches
Swirling and whirling in snow dances
The music of the wind and my voice in the air
Creates its own symphony uncommon and rare
My breaths like wisps and puffs of white smoke
Float in the air on the snowy road
The snow whirling, the wind is whistling
Remembering a hymn , I start singing
"I believe in miracles, I've seen a soul set free
Miraculous unchanging love, He died on Calvary'
The snow crunches under my feet
I march like drums to the beat
Creating a crazy mixture of sound
My voice, the wind, and my feet add the drums
A blue jay takes off with a screech and a shout
And accompanies me along on my walk
From tree-to-tree blue in the sky
We keep company, the bird and I
I started the walk weighed down with cares
Discouraged and alone with too much to bear
The beauty of the world my Creator made
Restored my joy in the wonderful place
Lost in the glory of his creation
Pondering the miracle of my salvation
The day was dark and my heart was cold
Grace was the fire that warmed my soul
The wind, the cold fades from my sight
The world around me is infused with light
All the glory my soul could see
In the November snow walked with me
This is the song that I can sing
When the night is long, I trust in Him
Jesus is coming, It wont be long
In the waiting time, Ill sing my song
/J.smith /2024
"Come now and let us reason together, says the Lord
Though your sins be as scarlet
They shall be white as snow? (Isaiah 1:18)