God of Justice
God of Peace
The Spirit of Mercy
Has been released
"June, would you like to take part in a public speaking contest?" said my teacher.
That is how it started.
I was fourteen years old and in a school for marginalized girls.
A wounded kid
Thrown outside the gate of society
"How could I compete?" I wondered.
I would not have the right clothes.
Thoughts swirled around in my head
I was an outsider kid
I would be competing against insider kids.
"I would not have a chance," I thought.
The teacher saw something in me and was giving me a chance.
I took it.
I walked with rubbery legs to the platform.
Removing my glasses
I blurred the audience
This was a large crowd from the schools around.
Teachers, kids, and visitors from the surrounding area
The girls from my school took up two front rows
I stiffened my back and started the speech
I opened my mouth
The voice I heard was mine
Distinct and clear
I spoke to them about a house of tomorrow
A house that God would build
A family would live there
A mom and dad and two children
A boy and a girl
They would never be separated
No one would be hurt there
Fear would never live in that house.
My speech became a fourteen year old's speech of protest.
Delivered from brokenness and in the middle of darkness
I raised my voice with passion.
When I finished, the room became silent.
I was afraid, and tears were running down my face.
A soft rustling started in the room .
People started to rise from their seats
and clap and yell out
The girls from the school were jumping and yelling out
I won the contest and for many years I kept the medal.
/j.smith/outside the gate
I will sprinkle new water on you, and you will be clean."
"And I will give you a new heart and I will put a new spirit within you."
/Ezekiel 36, 25
God of Compassion
Jesus the Son
Into your arms
Again I run
Jesus, Jesus, You know my pain
I run to you Lord
Again and again
Now my heart is full of praise
Out of the darkness
A child was raised
Wounded and broken
You healed my mind
In you alone Lord
Healing I find
Out of the darkness
Into the light
On the cross
Wrong became right
Truth and Justice
Around you reign
Justice was won
Again and again
God of Justice
God of Peace
The Spirit of Mercy
Has been released
"Now all glory to God, who is able to keep you from falling away and will bring you with great joy into his glorious presence without a single fault. All glory to him who alone is God our Savior through Jesus Christ our Lord." (Jude 24)