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Over the ashes of my life

With wings like eagles

I take flight


Romeo Dallaire stood in the darkness of the Rwanda genocide in 1993 to 1994

The Lieutenant General in the Canadian Armed Forces

The commander of UNAIMIR, the peacekeeping force in Rwanda

He attempted to stop the genocide of 500,000 to 1,000,000 people in those dark days

Awarded the Officer of the Order of Canada

Romeo in his book "Waiting for the first light" describes his personal battle with PTSD


I have more questions than answers

I am just the storyteller


The Run

"Fall was in the air and as the sun started to set the day became cool. I kept walking with no idea where I was going.

Putting as much space between myself and danger

Sadness filled my heart. I was thirteen years old.

Fear made me keep walking with no idea where I was walking to.

There was no going back and the future was grim

I had no plan. Escape and survival was driving me forward

The haunting of my soul was happening to me, and an emptiness and deep loneliness

created a void in my heart.

Under the anxiety was a looming darkness of depression. These layers were building up, one on top of the other but the underlying depression was the core of all the other layers and that was the one I feared the most.

This was the enemy of my soul and would render me powerless. Fighting that layer to take hold and mentally trying to push it away.

I clutched my floppy eared stuffed animal and kept on walking. "

(excerpt from Outside the Gate)

"Death wrapped its ropes around me

The terrors of the grave overtook me

I saw only trouble and sorrow

Then I called on the name of the Lord

"Please Lord, save me!"

Psalm 116


Over the ashes of my life

On the wings of eagles I take flight

From shame and darkness I am freed

Jesus Christ is alive in me

Ignite the fire!

Fan into flame

The greatest gift known to man

Eternal flame lights my path

Shadows of death around me pass

Living Word the flame of truth

Produces in me the Spirit's fruit

Ignite the fire!

Fan into flame

The greatest gift known to man

Lord Jesus in his resurrected glory

Came via the cross, salvation's story

Angels with hallelujahs in their wings

Worship and praise the glorious King

Light the fire!

Fan into flame

The greatest gift known to man

Truth and justice are in his hand

This is the faith on which I stand

Over the ashes of my life

With wings like eagles

I take flight

Light the fire!

Fan into flame

The greatest gift known to man

Beyond all comprehension

Jesus is the author of my salvation

Out of the darkness of my life

Comes forth the God of Light /j.smith


"How kind the Lord is! How good he is!

So merciful this God of ours

The Lord protects those of childlike faith

I was facing death and He saved me

Let my soul be at rest again

For the Lord has been good to me

He has saved me from death

My eyes from tears

My feet from stumbling

And so I walk in the Lord's presence

As I live here on earth!

I will lift up the cup of salvation

And praise the Lord's name for saving me!"

Psalm 116

Ignite the fire!

Fan into flame

The greatest gift

Known to man /j.smith



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