When does doctrine fall like rain?
Can it really be like the dew of the morning?
The dew of our morning soul, refreshing us?
How can that old dry doctrine be like that?
On a people and the earth that is parched and dry?
Rain mixed with the fire of truth
Revive us again!
Legend and myth tell us that the silent mute swan sings a mournful song prior to its death
This is the swan song of Moses
"His eyes were not weak, nor his strength gone."
He stood once again before his people. Many years before, after his trip down from the mountain and with a face that was glowing he had delivered another message. He had delivered the law that God had given him. It was the law that would take them to the shores of the Jordon.
Now they were on the shores of the Promised Land.
After forty years of wandering in the wilderness.
He had taken them as far as the law could take them.
Now he would deliver to them a new song.
His swan song.
He stood before them, a fitness guru's dream
One hundred and twenty years old with eyes clear, strong and virile
With a voice as mighty waters
His words would indeed fall as rain
Mingled with fire
The law could not take his people across the river to the Promised Land
It would be Joshua who would take them across
Did Moses sing the song?
I like to imagine he did
Unlike the legend of the swan, this was not a song of mourning
"Listen, O heavens and I will speak
Hear O earth, the words of my mouth
Let my teaching fall like rain
And my words descend like dew
Like showers on new grass
Like abundant rain on tender grass
I will proclaim the name of the Lord
Oh praise the greatness of the Lord
He is the Rock, his words are perfect
And all his ways are just."
"Like an eagle stirs up its nest
That spreads its wings to catch them."
Shortly after this great man delivered this beautiful swan song
God called Moses up to the mountain again
He was carried away in secrecy from his people
The angel Gabriel carried him away
He would see the glory of God
He had asked God
"Show me your glory."
- excerpts from Deuteronomy 32
"And I saw what looked like a sea of glass mixed with fire,
and standing beside the sea those who had been victorious over the beast
And his image and over the number of his name.
They held harps given by God and sang the song
Of Moses and the song of the Lamb
"Great and marvelous are your deeds
Lord God Almighty
Just and true are your ways
King of the ages
Who will not fear you, O Lord
And bring glory to you, O Lord
And bring glory to your name?
For you alone are holy
All nations will come
And worship before you
For your righteous acts have been revealed." - Revelation 15
This is the song the redeemed will sing in eternity
The song of Moses and the Lamb.
"All glory and praise
To the Lamb that was slain
Who hath borne all our sins,
And hath cleansed every stain
Hallelujah! Thine the glory
Hallelujah! Amen.
Hallelujah! Thine the glory
Revive us again."
- William P. Mackay