"The snare has been broken and we have escaped."/Psalm 124:7
The rain was pouring on a hot muggy day in Toronto
Soaking wet, I rejoiced and I felt like dancing
I offered myself up to the experience with abandonment
The sheer exhilaration of walking alone
No one herding me in a group like cattle
No one shunting me forward or prodding me
This was my sixteenth birthday
And I was free
Released from the fowler's snare
No cake, no candles for me
This was my own birthday party
And I was singing my own song of deliverance
I had seen the earth open up before me
A darkness of death that had threatened me
I was soaring on the wings of joy
Gods angels had come after me
With shimmering momentum
And had delivered me from the miry pit
And set my feet upon a Rock
And now I sang my birthday song. /j.Smith -Outside the Gate
"Take your censor and put fire on it from the alter and lay incense on it and carry it quickly to the congregation and make an atonement for them for wrath has gone out from the Lord the plague has begun."
"And Aaron took as Moses commanded and ran into the midst of the congregation and behold the plague was begun among the people, and he put incense and made an an atonement for the people. And he stood between the living and the dead and the plague was stayed." Numbers 16:47-48
I have more questions then answers
I am just the storyteller
"But the sons of Korah did not die" Numbers 26:11
Asaph, Herman, Jeduthan stood outside the alter dressed in fine linen
And playing symbols, harps and lyres
They were accompanied by 120 priests sounding trumpets
The singers joined in unison
They raised their voices together to praise the Lord and sang
"He is good. His love endures forever."
The dominant instrument was the human voice
"Our fathers trampled under our inheritance,
but God and His faithful people restored our legacy to us."
Their tongues became as the pen of a poet
Not only restored but restored to honor
Wearing the name of their father's shame
The songs of the sons of Korah
Are some of the most powerful
In the Psalms
"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble
Therefore, we will not fear though the earth gives way
Though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea
Though its waters roar and foam
Though its mountains quake at its swelling pride
There is a a river whose streams make glad
The city of God." Psalm 46.1
Their redemption was a shining momentum
Their birthday song
My birthday song
On that day in Toronto
when I stood
under the pouring rain
I was released from death
As Aaron raced with the sacred censor
And separated the living from the dead
So Jesus Christ the great intercessor
Stood before death for me
And lifted me out of the miry pit
And gave me a new song to sing
The song of a soul set free
Whom the Son sets free is free indeed!
Down in the human heart
Crushed by the tempter
Feelings lay buried that grace can restore
Touched by a loving heart
Wakened by kindness
Chords that were broken
Will vibrate once more
Jesus is merciful
Jesus will save. /Fanny Crosby 1869