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Updated: Jul 11, 2021


The life of Jesus Christ



the fragrance of grace

"But thank God He has made us captives and continues to lead us along in Christ's triumphal procession.

Now he uses us to spread the knowledge of Christ everywhere, like a sweet perfume.

Our lives are a Christ-like fragrance rising up to God." Corinthians 2:15


Fragrance more beautiful

Than lavender and rose

Is the life that Jesus chose

In my weakness, sorrow and pain

He gently reminds me once again

Jesus has broken Satan's sword

He has won the invisible war /j.smith/2021


A Mighty Fortress Is Our God

And though this world, with devils filled, should threaten to undo us

We will not fear, for God has willed His truth to triumph through us

The Prince of Darkness grim, we tremble not for Him

His rage we can endure, lo his doom is sure

The Spirit and the gifts are ours

Jesus Christ is on our side

The Man of God's own choosing. /Martin Luther


My prayer

Change me Lord

Make your fragrance sweet

releasing it to people I meet

Fill me with the fragrance

of the life

Found in You,

Jesus Christ

Willing my Lord to take

up the cross

You give to me

Whatever the cost

Please help me live my life

Filled with the fragrance

Of Jesus Christ.

fragrance of Christ filling the air

You broke Satan's sword

And won the invisible war. j.smith 2021

"Because God's children are human beings - made of flesh and blood - the Son became flesh and blood.

For only by dying could he break the power of the devil who had the power of death. Only in this way could he set free all who have lived their lives as slaves to the fear of dying." Hebrews 3: 14, 15



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