Spirit of Truth,
Eyes of fire
Fill your children
With one desire
Renew our passion
Light the flame
Spirit of Truth
Revive us again
No eye has seen
No ear has heard
The glorious mysteries
In your word
Renew our passion
Ignite the flame
Spirit of Truth
Revive us again
Eyes of Fire
Open our mind
Reveal the truth
Where we are blind
Renew the passion
Ignite the flame
Spirit of Truth
Revive us again!
/J.smith 2021
"When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth.
He will not speak of His own but will tell you what he has heard.
He will tell you about the future.
I have spoken of these matters in figures of speech (Parables)
"But soon I will stop speaking that way and will tell you plainly all about the Father."
"The Father himself loves you dearly because you love me."
"Yes, I have come from the Father into our world." (John 16,13...)
I have more questions than answers
I am just the storyteller
"Spirit of truth, essential God
Who did your ancient saints inspire
Shed to our hearts your love abroad
And touch our lips with fire
You only do yourself explain
The secret mind of God made plain"
/Charles Wesley
Living, breathing,
Truth and light
You, Lord Jesus,
Restored my life
I could not see
I was blind
Eyes of Fire
Renewed my mind
Visions of glory
I can see
Jesus Christ
Has set me free!
Living, breathing, full of light
All truth is found
In Jesus Christ! /j.smith 2021