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Updated: Dec 2, 2023

In other places in the world people were celebrating Christmas. In that prison for girls no one was celebrating.

The school had emptied out.

Those who had families were gone.

Left were the orphans that had no home.

The staff dwindled down to a skeleton and we girls were quiet, mourning our losses.

No one was happy to be there that Christmas, including the staff.

We did endless hours of skating at the school's arena.

Around and around the rink.

There were no Christmas carols. No one was singing that Christmas.

No sparkling lights on a tree that year.

It was a waiting time. A time to get through.

An orphan's Christmas

We were all sad that Christmas and avoided each other. We could not look into eyes

that mirrored our own pain.

It was a time to endure as Christmas without family was empathizing what we tried to forget.

We were alone.

Outside the school, the world was covered in snow. We wanted to don a coat and boots and walk in that pristine beauty.

It was not allowed.

We were children and were eager to play.

Make angels in the snow and throw snowballs at each other.

We could get lost in the moment and forget our pain.

We could play our pretending game.

There were no open doors to walk through. We wanted to burst through the doors and run.

The sun was causing the snow to come alive with pin pricks of sparkling crystals of beauty

That called out to me.

I wanted to leave my footprints in that wonder showing I was alive.

I was real

I wanted to leave a message in the snow.

In those snowy winter days I longed for my freedom.

Oh, how the world called to me that Christmas.

Behind those locked doors.

I waited.



Slowly, slowly, the donkey trod

Step by step

A young girl sat

A young man walking by her side

The watching world

Held its breath

Waiting for her babies' first cry

Waiting for the Son of God

The road to Bethlehem

Was rough and long

Did Mary in her heart

Sing her song?

"Oh how my soul praises the Lord

How my spirit rejoices in God my Savior

For He took notice of this lowly servant girl

And from now on all generations will call me blessed

For the Mighty One is Holy

And he has done great things for me."

(Luke 1:46-49-NLT)

Mary and Joseph on that night

Were led by the Spirit

To bring us Light



Remembering that Christmas long ago

When I was still an orphan girl

I could not see

I did not know

My world was covered in snow

The future that I could not see

That Jesus Christ would rescue me

Thank you, Lord Jesus

For setting me free

The Son of God

Has delivered me

Now I can leave angels in the snow

Jesus Christ

Has made me whole

Making footprints as I go

Singing my own praise song

When the journey is hard and long

As I walk step by step

Dear Lord, may I never forget

My Lord Jesus has rescued me

With His very own life he set me free

"Oh how my soul praises my Lord

How my spirit rejoices in God my Savior"

*sketch by A. Lagerquist



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